Online Status Frame




Hello! Please allow me to introduce the premium edition of our Online Status Frame. Much hard work went into this creation, and I hope that you can get as much use out of it as I have.

As always, if you have any questions, concerns, or problems please let me know!

Key Features

  • Clear easy to use menu based configuration
  • Tint-able, full-material, mesh frame
  • Can be assigned to others (so sim owners only need to purchase one)
  • Has three stages: offline, online, and nearby
  • Supports paging, instant message, and email
  • Supports multiple images
  • Has optional chime for when someone comes on or goes off
  • Has a “cloak” mode to show as offline when online
  • Can be linked to other signs.

User Guide

A set of these are also available from the sign for whomever it’s assigned to.

User Command Reference

  • ❖ Page: sends you who paged and gives you a link to follow back. (only when shown as online)
  • Message: allows user to send you a message
  • Email: allows user to send you an email (if enabled)
  • Users can also navigate through your images provided you have more than one loaded.

Sign Assignee Command Reference

  • Read Me: gives you this document
  • Sound: toggles login/log-off sounds
  • Cloak: when enabled shows you as offline and disables paging ability.
  • User View: shows you what the end user sees
  • Set Email: lets you enter an email address
  • Set About: lets you add your own custom about text which will show on the user menu.

Image Menu

  • List Images: tells you the UUIDs of each image loaded in order from first to last
  • List Current: tells you the UUIDs of the shown image
  • Add Image: lets you enter a UUID to add an image (4:3 aspect ratio for best results).
  • Rem Current: removes the currently shown image
  • Clear All: removes all images from the sign
  • Navigation, including a pause feature, will show when more than one image is loaded.

Owner Command Reference

  • Owners see all Asignee Commands as well as…
  • Reassign: lets you set the assignee’s UUID
  • ↻ Reset: resets scripts clearing sign to default value

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