
Yearly Monthly Weekly Daily List
September 2024

Game Night: Bowling

This weeks game is bowling; a fun-filled evening of strikes, spares, and good company! Get ready for some friendly competition, laughter, and great memories. So grab your lucky ball, and let the good times roll! We won’t even make you change your shoes.
13 Sep
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Sleepy Kitty Rez Room
Sleepy Kitty, Isle of Bork
October 2024

2024 Autumn Fishing Derby

Calling all jFishers to join us for our sixth seasonal fishing derby at Sleepy Kitty. The event will start at 12:00, noon, Second Life time and will last for about three and a half hours. Come for all of it, come for part of it, or come to just cheer us on! You can bring...
19 Oct
12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Sleepy Kitty Docks - South End
Sleepy Kitty, Isle of Bork
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