Rules of the Domain
Show Kindness and Respect
Do your best to be kind to everyone who enters the domain, and if you can’t muster kindness for someone at least be respectful. After all, we’re here to relax and have a good time.
Of course, there are allowances if you are playing a role, just keep that in character.
No Harassment
Harassment, including griefing, are absolutely forbidden in the Domain of Sleepy Kitty. There is some subjectivity here, as what annoys some people won’t annoy others, but try to use your best judgement to not cause problems for people.
If someone makes a reasonable request you stop what you’re doing, listen, which brings us to our next one…
Respect Boundaries
This comes down to a couple of key things…
Think before you act: Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should do something. If you don’t already know someone’s boundaries check their profile for clues or communicate with them. If you aren’t sure ask.
No means no: In the context of play no sometimes doesn’t mean no, but out-of-character no is the ultimate safeword.
Clean Up After Yourself
We want you to feel like Sleepy Kitty is your home as much as it is ours, so please feel free to rez things as needed to make your experience here the fullest it can be. We only ask that anything you rez in the world is gone when you leave.
Obligatory Boiler Plate Stuff
Being as we’re all on Second Life this really should go without saying, but yeah… The rules that apply to all of Second Life apply here too; don’t violate Second Life’s Terms of Service or you may face something far more severe than a mere parcel ban.
Penalties for failing to adhere to these rules can result in anything from a warning to a permanent ban depending on the severity of the infraction and the judgement of the acting security personnel. Where violations of Second Life Terms of Service are concerned we will report the infraction for further investigation and action.