Teleporter Arch

Teleporter Arch

Not sure quite how to connect different parts of your sim, or connect to other sims? May we suggest our sleek, Japanese-inspired, multi-location arch. Set it to one destination to use as a doorway or load it up with myriad of options for possible destinations. You can even flag each destination as public, group, or…

Little Birdcage

Little Birdcage

We’re pleased to present to you Sleepy Kitty’s Little Birdcage! A small little cage that’s easy to tuck into most spaces, but can “comfortably” fit more than one! Take the keys to it, hop inside, and close the door turning it into a private sanctuary… or you could use it to catch or be caught….

Linking Book

Linking Book

If you’re familiar with the Myst series you are already generally aware of what this is! ^^ For those who aren’t, linking books are ways to travel between worlds. Anyone who clicks on the image in the book (and has an RLV relay) is transported to the location of that book. These can be placed…